

特色猎鹰:Dr. 凯利威克

你在澳门在线赌城娱乐的名字和头衔是什么? Dr. 凯利·瓦克,艺术教授. 你来自哪里,目前居住在哪个城市? 我在美国西部长大.S. — my home state is Colorado and some of my childhood was spent in California. 我现在住在[…]


特色猎鹰:Dr. 沙夫卡特·阿里·沙德

你在澳门在线赌城娱乐的名字和头衔是什么? Dr. 沙夫卡特·阿里·沙德, assistant professor of data analytics in the Michael E. 斯蒂芬斯商学院. 你来自哪里,目前居住在哪个城市?我来自伊斯兰堡, 巴基斯坦, 一个以美丽的风景和郁郁葱葱的植物而闻名的城市[…]


特色猎鹰:Alexander Mechitov 

你在澳门在线赌城娱乐的名字和头衔是什么? Dr. Alexander Mechitov, professor of management information systems in the 斯蒂芬斯商学院. 你来自哪里,目前居住在哪个城市? 我在蒙特瓦洛住了23年. 我和妻子来到这里[…]



的确,一门大学课程可以塑造你的整个未来. Elizabeth “Betsy” Richardson’s case, it was an introduction to psychology course. 而这位佛罗伦萨人一开始并不是心理学专业的, her interest sparked when learning about the physical side of the subject. “有一章我们讨论过……”


特色猎鹰:Dr. 保罗D. Mahaffey

你在澳门在线赌城娱乐的名字和头衔是什么? 保罗D. Mahaffey, Chair of the Department of English and World Languages 你来自哪里,目前居住在哪个城市? 我来自索尔斯比, 阿拉巴马州,目前居住在卡莱拉, 如果你有学位的话, 它们是什么[…]


特色猎鹰:Dr. 吉吉·戴维斯

你在澳门在线赌城娱乐的名字和头衔是什么? Dr. 吉吉·戴维斯, associate professor of elementary education in the Department of Teaching, 学习与技术以及小学项目协调员, elementary/collaborative and deaf and hard of hearing education in the College of Education and Human Development. 你是哪里人?


教师简介:博士. 阿什利Wurzbacher

博士前. 阿什利Wurzbacher是一位作家,也是一位读者. 在钻研拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义世界时, literary fiction centered on complicated women and short story collections, 《泰特斯维尔, 宾西法尼亚, 原住民发现自己渴望讲述自己的故事. Wurzbacher, associate professor of English, published her debut novel in August. “[…]


特色猎鹰:Dr. 詹妮弗Alexiou-Ray

你在澳门在线赌城娱乐的名字和头衔是什么? 珍妮弗一. Alexiou-Ray, Ph值.D., director of graduate studies, program coordinator of Instructional Technology & Educational Master’s Programs and professor of instructional technology & 领导. 你来自哪里,目前居住在哪个城市? 我在海伦娜长大,参加了[…]


特色猎鹰:Dr. 格雷戈里·塞缪尔

Birmingham Business Journal 2023 Leader in Diversity 你在澳门在线赌城娱乐的名字和头衔是什么? Dr. 格雷戈里·塞缪尔, associate professor of secondary education since 2014 and chief diversity and inclusion officer since 2020. 你来自哪里,目前居住在哪个城市? 我来自宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡. […]



By Emily Reed After being named UM’s chief diversity and inclusion officer in 2020, Dr. 格雷戈里·塞缪尔 has spent much of his time working to promote an all-inclusive campus environment. “我的目标是建立一个更强大的校园, 促进和维持增加的多样性, 公平包容,积极促进社会正义,塞缪尔说. Samuels[…]


Dr. 约瑟夫·兰德斯为庆祝阿拉巴马州二百周年而创作歌剧

In 1936, 为《财富》杂志工作, writer James Agee and photographer Walker Evans spent eight weeks documenting the lives of impoverished tenant farmers living in Tuscaloosa and Hale counties.  虽然这篇文章从未发表过, Agee’s descriptions of life as a sharecropper under the weight of the Great Depression and Evans’ striking photography were eventually […]



Dr. 梅林达•多伊尔 offers students hands-on experience BY MADISON GRIGGS ’17 Dr. 梅林达•多伊尔, 澳门大学音乐副教授兼合唱活动总监, conducts the Concert Choir and University Chorus and teaches undergraduate choral conducting and choral methods. Through her position in the Department of Music, Doyle has enabled countless students to explore […]


周五教员:Tiffany Wang

如果你提到“博士”这个名字. Wang’ across campus, you will be greeted by many excited students who boast “that’s my advisor!” Dr. Tiffany Wang started teaching communication studies at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 in 2012. 作为传播系的副教授, 她教授传播理论方面的各种课程, 培训[…]



迪安娜·史密斯,Michael E. 斯蒂芬斯商学院 shares more than just her 20 years of diverse experience in the field of accounting. She also shares the importance of social entrepreneurship and sustainability in the area of management, 非牟利及环境研究. 迪安娜和她的学生是负责的个人[…]


教员周五:博士. 唐娜•贝尔

Dr. 唐娜•贝尔, assistant professor and program coordinator for Family and Consumer Sciences at UM, began her academic career at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 in the early 1980s pursuing her undergraduate degree. In 2006, 贝尔回到学校,教授零售营销课程, 包括视觉营销, 纺织品, 零售采购和时尚预测.   While Bell’s primary goal in the classroom is teaching students how her field […]



梅隆说,这是在寻找适合你的组合. Amiee Mellon began her teaching career at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 in 2014. Dr. Mellon teaches a variety of marketing topics within the 斯蒂芬斯商学院. 教学前, Mellon spent several years working in advertising agencies and eventually freelancing while earning her Ph.D. […]



Dr. 詹妮弗·戴维斯对校园里的砖街并不陌生. 1995年,她作为一名学生开始了她在蒙特瓦洛的道路. Davis began teaching as an adjunct for the University in 2006 and became a full-time faculty member in 2008. Now, Davis not only teaches at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐, but she also […]



Dr. Kristen Gilbert’s Career Blossoms from Montevallo Tradition by Madison Griggs ’17 Few faculty are as deeply rooted at the University as Dr. 克里斯汀·吉尔伯特,心理学教授. 她的学术之旅让她走遍了美国.S., but also continuously strengthened her connections at UM and encouraged her to grow. 除了她的角色[…]